eytang8@yahoo.com Sorry for ditching you
westcalxvandy sorry for telling you to go away
eytang8@yahoo.com I didn't take it that hard. It's fine
eytang8@yahoo.com And I figured I was being kinda obnoxious anyways
westcalxvandy not really
westcalxvandy I was just being PMSish and wanted to talk to Jasmine alone...
eytang8@yahoo.com Either way, I forgive you and <3 you
westcalxvandy <3 u too
westcalxvandy I kinda wanna talk to you about something
westcalxvandy but I'd rather have it be in person
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah, that's probably a better idea
eytang8@yahoo.com When do you wanna?
westcalxvandy idk
westcalxvandy I guess tomorrow since I'm going to Mitchell's
eytang8@yahoo.com awright...